“I found this book to be an easy read because Bill and I agree with one another… Bill is definitely a native guide, so you can trust his lead. Follow his umbrella as he takes you through this complex but manageable maze.”

— Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Author, A Book of Miracles


“I am so grateful to Bill for writing this book. I encourage – enthusiastically – folks passing through Cancerville to take along this travel atlas!”

— George P. Kansas
Survivor and Author, iCanSir


Recent Praise For

…When Someone You Love Has Cancer

I found your book very helpful, even though it is written for family and friends and I am the patient. It is going to help so many people in Cancerville who need this support. Can’t wait for your follow-up for the patient.

-Susan B.

You hit the ball right out of the park. My only complaint is that it was so compelling a read that I was up till 4 A.M. the night before my birthday.

-Robert S.

The book is riveting. I felt like I was right there walking beside you the whole way.

-Joyce G.

I love the book! It is accurate, comforting, well written, factual, honest, helpful and necessary.

-Geri S.

I like the way your book helps not only the family,but also the patient. You give very concrete information to everyone. Your book is very visual—they aren’t just words on a page, but the words come so alive that I could see your descriptions in my mind’s eye.

-Linda F.

Having “been there,” you for one “get it”…and this book should be treasured by all readers!!!

-Howard A., D.D.S.

Dr William Penzer has made it his mission to help you cope with your loved ones cancer. His life changing trip to “Cancerville” with all its devastation paved the way for this informative, insightful, inspirational book.  Sometimes deep abiding faith, the encouraging support of loved ones, and the dedication of the doctors and nurses who live in Cancerville make all the difference in the world.  In his book he will take you on an informative  journey of how to cope and hope during this trying time. I wish I had this book to guide and advise me during my time of need.  My father, my dearest friend, suffered through lung cancer.  I lost him two years ago.  It was difficult for me to understand the powerful powerless feelings.  Dr. Penzer visits these emotions and calms your fears and anxieties.  In addition to my father, my best friend has breast cancer.  I am better equipped to handle the emotional roller coaster after reading his book. He taught me that laughter and relaxation can co-exist with anger, fear and guilt. Anyone who has a loved one diagnosed with cancer will benefit from his strong, warm, caring hand of support.

-Linda C.


Having both walked the difficult path of loving someone through their struggles with cancer I know what a gift your book truly is. Only someone who has experienced the anxieties,,the helplessness, the pains, the fears, the exhaustions and, very importantly, the hopes could have put into words the understanding and comfort needed. Your book offers real guidance along with much needed understanding. Both are so vital along this difficult road. You need to get this book out there. It could help so many people!!!
-Shelly S. M.S.
Your book is a page turner!
-Nettie S.,  Age 93

My husband is starting radiation soon for tonsil cancer and your book has been so good for me.

-Stephanie L.


Your book is EXCELLENT! You managed to find a friendly, kind, wise, and helping tone packed with really practical information alongside touching and motivating stories. The value is not limited to those whose loved ones are in Cancerville. Congratulations, It is a masterpiece!

-Fran T.

I would always want the empowering Dr. Penzer to hold my hand as I find my way through the Cancerville maze.

-Paulette L.